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Thursday, October 20, 2011

TTM Success: Jarome Iginla

  I sent a copy of the 88-89 OPC Tribute card of Jarome Iginla to get autographed.  While I was checking for the address, I saw that he tends to send out a signed picture/postcard of himself and return any sent items unsigned.  Which is exactly happened to my request.  The card measures 3 1/2 inches by 8 1/2 inches, about the size of a pamphlet.  I do think it is a real signature and not a facsimile or an auto-pen.  I was able to find three signed versions of a previous years card and the signatures looked slightly different on each cards.
  So it appears you can easily get an Jarome Iginla auto without sending a card, just a LOR and an SASE.  While it's nice to get the auto, I was hoping to get the pictures that I sent signed.  Still it certainly better than nothing and perhaps I'll try to get some other Flames and maybe get this tallboy Iginla some line-mates 

1 comment:

  1. Mine came today and the auto is different enough from yours to confirm it is not autopen'd.
