I featured Bob Mason and this card on a previous edition of The Forgotten and you can read that story here. The key part of that post was to mention that Bob Mason never had a NHL card produced until 2004, 14 years after his last NHL game. So I made up a rookie card, complete with the back, and I mailed it off to him in hopes of him keeping one and returning the other signed. My success rate was 50%. Mr. Mason signed and returned both copies of the card, and both copies of the 3.5x6. The 3.5x6 was the same picture, just bigger. While I am excited to get this back, I am also a bit disappointed that he never kept a copy. Although I wonder how many times he has been sent a custom card of the 84-85 OPC set. Considering quality Bob Mason pictures are rare on the web, I wouldn't be surprised if he seen this card several times before.
Perhaps you would trade one of those custom Mason cards to me? I love the '84-85 OPC set and think you did a great job on this custom.